I am a forensic psychologist with a strong background in analyzing and contributing to criminal cases, integrating psychological expertise with advanced neuroscientific research. I hold a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, specializing in forensic neuroscience, with a focus on the complex relationship between Italian criminal law and jurisprudence, psychopathological assessments of mental capacity, and the use of neuroscientific evidence in criminal trials. Throughout my academic career, I have extensively examined how these multifaceted interactions influence criminal justice outcomes. Additionally, I have contributed to the field through coauthorship of scientific papers and book chapters. For the past two years, I have been supervising Ph.D. and undergraduate students, actively fostering the development of future experts in this specialized area. I am currently an adjunct professor in the Master’s Degree course in Forensic Psychology and Clinical Criminology, further expanding my academic engagement in the field.
Adjunct Professor for the Master’s Degree programme in Forensic Psychology and Clinical Criminology.
Teaching course: "Dalla conduzione della consulenza tecnica alla stesura della relazione scientifica: aspetti tecnici ed etici".
Born in Piove di Sacco (Padova) on May 5, 1990.